Our Message Potpourri

You may wonder why there is such a diversity of subject matter on sharin’ His love. We are interested in understanding where Jesus lived, the pathways He walked, the message He taught. As we seek to know our Lord in a more personal way, any information about Him and His life is exciting.

Traveling to Israel, the homeland of Jesus, has always been a dream of mine.  We share pictures and information about Israel for our own enjoyment and inspiration and hope it interests our readers, too.

Since messages of encouragement and inspiration are so helpful to us, we like sharing them with you.

Studying Prophecy has also been an interest of mine since I was a teenager.  Many hundreds of prophecies in the Bible have already occurred. As we compare the prophecies in the Bible with daily news, we will see the importance of an ongoing study of what the prophets said so many years ago.

We hope you will enjoy sharin’ His love and be involved in our discussions.


Sharon & Erick



Thank you. Be blessed!